
How to Create NFTs?

by admin, Temmuz 29, 2022

How to Create NFTs?

NFTs have gained a cult following and a huge amount of coverage. The question many ask themselves is, “How can I catch this new wave?” While many people get intimidated when they hear NFT, creating a basic NFT is actually quite simple. More complex NFTs, such as ones that are more algorithmic and ones that are made for blockchain games, are two examples of more complex NFTs that are harder to create. For your basic NFT, you don’t even have to know any programming or coding. NFT marketplaces take care of all that pesky code for you.

Basically, you have to complete these 5 steps to launch an NFT of yourself:

1- Choose the format of your NFT

2- Pick the blockchain you are going to be putting your NFT on

3- Pick a platform according to the blockchain of your choice

4- Sign up and connect your wallet

5- Follow the platform’s instructions

NFTs are a result of your creativity

NFTs are a result of your creativity

Whatever you imagine, you can turn it into NFT. People have turned to many things, ranging from tweets to sports highlights. Basically, you can turn anything physical or digital into an NFT. You can turn them into:

  • Art pieces
  • Audio or music
  • Videos
  • Images
  • GIFs
  • Game items
  • Digitized versions of physical things
  • Collector items
  • Profile pictures
  • Representative tokens

On which blockchains can you create NFTs?

On which blockchains can you create NFTs?

Picking a blockchain to put your NFT on is a process of evaluating the current situations of the various blockchains. Production costs, marketplaces, and the traffic on the said marketplaces are important points that you should take into consideration when picking your blockchain. Ethereum, the biggest network for NFTs, comes with both upsides and downsides. While you will be entering the marketplace with the biggest sales and user numbers, the production fee will be high. So if you are planning to create an NFT with a small budget, the production and transaction fees that are high can be troublesome. The positive aspect of high fees is that frauds are discouraged by the amount, creating a safer environment.

Other platforms than Ethereum are using Ethereum’s high fees as an advantage for themselves. Binance Smart Chain and Solana’s low-fees are easier to get into and thus are quite open to growth.

The main blockchains on which you can create your own NFT are Ethereum, Solana, and Binance Smart Chain, to name just a few.

How much does creating an NFT cost?

The production fees change according to the platform; some are free and some are not. It is generally referred to as “Gas Fee,” originally deriving from the services on Ethereum. This gas fee goes to miners that originate or confirm the transactions on the blockchain. When creating an NFT, a new block is generated on the blockchain for that action.

There are a few moving pieces that affect the gas fee, such as the blockchain of choice, the marketplace, the transaction, and the amount of traffic on the blockchain that you chose. Generally, if you complete your trades when there aren’t many people trading, such as on the weekend, you will be able to pay less than you would have to at other times. 

On which platforms can you create NFTs?

The list of platforms for anyone who wants to create an NFT is quite extensive. The choice of platform is solely dependent on the blockchain you want to produce your NFT on. Babylons, Mintable, Opensea, Rarible, and Solanart are the most commonly known and used platforms.

Here is a list of platforms according to the blockchains that they operate on:


  • Opensea
  • Rarible
  • Mintable
  • LookRare
  • x2y2

Binance Smart Chain

  • Binance NFT Marketplace
  • Bakeryswap
  • Babylons


  • Magiceden.io
  • Solanart.io
  • Solsea.io

by admin

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